How to Manualy upgrade wordpress

WARNING: The upgrade process will affect all files and folders included in the main WordPress installation. This includes all the core files used to run WordPress. If you have made any modifications to those files, your changes will be lost. so let’s move to How to Manually Upgrade WordPress Version

WordPress provides feature to upgrade version in Dashboard update page

But still you need to upgrade wordpress version here is easy steps that can help you to update version manuly process

Step1: Take Full Backup of you site including all files and database

Step2: Deactive all plugins and Logout from admin

Step3: Remove selected files from old setup and add that files from new version setup

Step4: login again to wordpress backend

Step5: It may show database upgread required so you need to upgrade database

Step6: Active All required plugins

Step7: Review site with new version

That’s it your website is now updated.

If you face any issue or error in this process or after this process, just revert your backup files to make site working and contact your developer to do upgrade/Downgrade.

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